

Friday, July 6, 2007

Make Money Online

Internet marketing online –

Ask yourself, What are my 5 year professional and financial goals?
With corporations laying off executives, and businesses failing there is no such thing as job security. The only way you can insure your income is to be in business for yourself. I totally agree.
A lot of stuff out there requires being on the phone selling product, and attending meetings and conventions, and being overexcited 24/7. I said to myself, "The internet is where the future is going so there has to be a way to make money online". To make a long story short, I wanted to sit in front of my computer and make money.

The 4 most important things that you need to look for in an opportunity to make money online are:
1. The product- is it something that is filling a void in the marketplace?
2. The compensation - will you be able to achieve your financial goals?
4. Timing - Are you in the right place at the right time?

Ultimately, automation is the main goal. You want to get involved with something that you can use the power of the internet and marketing to make money without even talking to people.
If you answered "No" to the question about your job getting you where you need to be, you need to find out more about how to make money online.

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Credit Card Applications. Search. Compare. Apply.

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